"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley

Thursday, October 4, 2012


So I wanted to do an update on all of my munchkins and what they are up to as of late.  And since it was just Madison's birthday I am starting with her.  It's crazy to think she was this tiny baby and now she is a beautiful five year old!  
Some of the things that Madison likes to do these days is playing outside, playing learning games on the computer, catching caterpillars, singing and she loves to do crafts.

She is so funny and is always playing jokes on her dad!  It's about time someone teased him back!

But most of all lately she is over the moon about her new brother!  She can't go a day without having a good snuggle session with him.  She is such a great helper for me and I am so glad she is in our family.  That smile and those pretty blue eyes just melt my heart.  Love you Maddie!