"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fun FHE!

Last night for FHE we had a really fun treat! A friend of our invited us out to his house to ride a train that he has spent the last 4 years building! It was great. He has this super cute little depot you go through to get on the train. It's kind of dark but you get the idea. It was adorable!

Then once we were all on the train, he was playing the Polar Express while we were riding in a toasty warm train car. You can see the little fireplace in the corner that keeps it warm.
And of course McKenna found a little friend right off the bat. This little boy was a son of our friend who owns it.

Here is the girls with our conductor Shane! Thanks again soooo much for the fun night!


Justin and Stacey said...

How fun! Jack would love something like that. Looks like your girls had fun!