"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


There are sooooooo many things that I have needed to post and update on and haven't had a minute to do so. So here I go on just a few of them. The day after Thanksgiving we loaded up the 4-wheelers and headed to the hills with the Hillman's to find each of us a tree. It was cold, but not too bad. There wasn't any snow, but we all bundled up in our snow clothes to stay warm anyways. That was especially nice while riding the quads.

It was fun having Travis' brother Shane here for the weekend. The kids always like to see him.

Instead of snow balls this year McKenna was finding leaves.
She at least found a frozen mud puddle she could ice skate on. She thought that was pretty fun.

Then these next two pictures I just thought were pretty cute and hilarious. She just wanted me to take her picture.

Now the girls and I are in Washington once again. I had a program I was singing in (which is the reason there haven't been any posts lately. I had to write a few songs and get everything ready for that) and while we were there Travis got a job that has to be done during Christmas break so we extended our stay a little since we won't be able to come back for Christmas. The girls did so good on the way there. They had fun. Well there are still plenty more updates, but those are just a couple!


Kristin said...

You are such a doll, and so are your kids!!!! Merry Christmas

Sarah Stout said...

Thanks for the update... Hopefully I'll get to see you and your adorable kids while you guys are here! :) If not, Merry Christmas!