"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday's Word


Today's word of advice is to SMILE! You really never know the impact that you can have on someone just by smiling. We don't know what each person we come across in a day is going through and your smile might be just the thing to lift their spirit. Then that person may smile at the next and so on and so on. And it all started with you and a simple smile :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What's New Cupcake?

My birthday was yesterday and my mom gave me a book called "What's New Cupcake?" and it has all kinds of different ways to do cupcakes. McKenna has been DYING to do some. My life has been a little crazy busy as of late and we finally had a day where we could so I packed up the girls and we headed to the store to get our ingredients. McKenna had our list and checked them off as we collected our items. It was pretty funny. Then we got home and got to work.



Once there was nothing left for Madison to eat, she ditched McKenna and I and the two of us finished them up. And here was our finished product. I was pretty impressed myself. They turned out really cute and McKenna and I had a really fun time making them. So we will see which ones we try next!




My parents are leaving soon to go on a mission to New York, New York and they spoke in church on the 12th in Washington. So me and the girls packed up and drove up to hear them speak and to go hang out at the beach for a couple of days with them and the siblings. It's somewhat strange to think that they will be gone for two years, but we are so proud of them for making that sacrifice to help others gain a testimony of the gospel. So they rented a beautiful house on the beach at Seabrook, WA to go and make a few memories before they leave.

My girls had never been to the ocean, which seems odd being that I grew up going to the ocean all the time. We would go clam digging and have all kinds of fun. I also used to go with my friend Sadie every summer. While I was there it was fun to kind of relive all of the fun memories I have from when I was a kid. But it was really great to watch my own girls experience the beach and ocean for the first time. Even if it is the cold Washington beach.







Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days of being a kid and having no worries and just being carefree.....what would that be like?

I'm Back!

I have been out of town for a while and life has been a bit crazy lately, but I am back now and hope to get back on track with my posting. So don't worry (anonymous) there will be more posting and a new Word of Advice Wednesday tomorrow. :)

McKenna has been able to play t-ball again this year. It is always so fun to watch her and to see how happy she is when she gets to play. She does pretty good for being the smallest on her team. So way to go McKenna and the Tigers!




Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tender Mercies


Life can sometimes get stressful. That is just the way it is. Stress is no respector of persons, it just visits whoever it wants no matter where you live, what color you are, or any other thing that might make us different. But I also know that the Lord is the same and during the times of stress he gives us His sweet "Tender Mercies". I was having a particularly stressful day and to combat it I went outside to start to work. I mowed the lawn and watered some flowers and in the process the rest of the family came out and helped and played. When we were all done we were just sitting outside and as I took a moment to look around I saw the beautiful sunset and watched my husband playing with the kids and I couldn't believe just how lucky I was at that very moment. I felt the love of my family and the love of my Heavenly Father for my family and I was so grateful for that sweet tender mercy that the Lord had given me at that moment. It is moments like those that give us the boost we need to keep going and battle the stresses of this world. It ended up being a great day.


Word of Advice Wednesday


Today's word of advice is one that I personally think is great! It is Take a Nap! Every once in a while you just get so tuckered out and overwhelmed or stressed out that you just need to stop where you are and what you are doing and take a little nap. It doesn't have to be very long, but it's amazing to me just how much a nap can resatrt my engines when it seems I can't possibly keep going. It just gives you that fresh start that we all sometimes need. So if you are running low just stop, take a little snooze, and you will be surprised what it can do.