"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley

Monday, June 15, 2009

McKenna's new favorite

McKenna has been playing T-ball this year and has loved it! I have a video to post later but couldn't get it to work just yet. So I will keep working on that. Anywho...she has had a ton of fun with it and we are down to our last week of it. She will be sad when it's over.
Her little team.
Concentrating really hard!
Made it to first!

McKenna's fans!
Almost home!


So I am now officially selling Scentsy! They have these super cute warmers and then you put the scented wax in the top and it makes your home smell wonderful! They have tons of scents and different warmers. You can go to my website at www.scentsy.com/shillman to look at all the products. Check it out, I know you will love it! Or if you want to have a party let me know!